How to Audition For A Teaching Gig As A Group Fitness Instructor



Applying for your first position as a group fitness instructor can be pretty scary, whether you are new or seasoned. I remember feeling very underprepared at my first audition and it did not go well. To be honest, I wasn’t selected, but I learned so much since then.
I have been teaching group fitness for over 20 years, and recently I was reminded of the interview process as I applied to teach at a new gym. So whether you are auditioning for the first time or if you are a veteran instructor, here are some helpful tips I have learned along the way regarding the hiring process.

1.   Be HYPER prepared: You should be prepared to teach an entire class confidently before you even call a gym to inquire about a position. When I started presenting fitness certifications, I would hear of some instructors that called gyms to apply the day after they took their certification. When you make that call, the group fitness manager may ask you to come in the next day to audition. If so, make sure you could do that no problem. This requires much practice up front, but by being prepared you will feel polished and ready to go! The best way to do that is to memorize your routine and know the music like the back of your hand. Power Music is so helpful with that! The rhythm of the music is strong to help you stay on the beat, and you can easily identify the phrases of the music. Put some powerful choreo together with that and you are ready to go! 
2.   Get some recommendations: Even if you aren’t teaching yet, you still want to have some good references you can give the manager when applying. Who can speak highly of your character? Personality and character can go a long way in terms of being hired. In fact, as a former group exercise manager myself, it was way more important to me than teaching skills ever were. I looked for personality, authenticity and the ability to connect with participants of all ages and fitness levels. Have a few people in your back pocket who know you well and ask if you can use them as a reference. 
3. Be YOU. But also be ready for anything: The very best way you can nail an audition is by bringing the very best version of yourself to the interview. Don't try to teach like anyone else, just be you...times two! YOU have your own personality and style and that is what makes you unique. And even though you should know what to expect prior to the interview, be flexible and ready for potential changes in the process. I will never forget an interview I had years ago where I was expecting to audition for 15 minutes for the coordinator. When I showed up there were a row of ten chairs in the front of the room as the coordinator decided to invite her entire team of instructors to watch. No pressure! 

4.   Don’t apologize: If you mess up during an audition, don’t apologize or make excuses for it. You are human so mistakes can be common, especially if your nerves come into play. Saying things like “Sorry this is my first time” won’t give the manager the confidence to hire you. Instead, just smile and keep going like it never happened. Most of the time no one catches your glitch anyway. So have fun and do your best!

If you find these tips helpful and are a brand new instructor, feel free to reach out and let me know what area you are struggling with so I can help. Email me anytime at

If you need choreo ideas to go with your rockin' Power Music, visit 


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About the Author: Angie Green has been helping others improve their health and fitness for 25 years. She is a national fitness presenter, one of our Power Music PRO ambassadors, and has appeared in over 50 fitness videos. She and her husband are the owners of AngieFit, where they coach other fitness professionals and work with clients to improve their health and fitness. They live in Ohio with their 2 children. Connect with her or follow her on Instagram @angiegreen11
